Car Seat Safety
The AmbulanceDistrict works with the Ste.Genevieve County Memorial Hospital and the Ste. Genevieve County Health Department in training and educating on car seat safety. A few times during the year, car seat safety checks are held in various areas of the county. Members of the Ambulance District staff have received in-depth training and are available upon request to have a car seat checked for safety and proper installation. Improper installation of car seats are a major cause of accidental death and injury of infants and small childrem. Certain individuals may be eligible for a free or reduced cost car seat. As of August 28, 2006, Missouri law requires:
- Children less than 4 years old or less than 40 pounds must be in an appropiate child safety seat.
- Children ages 4-7 who weigh at least 40 pounds must be in an appropiate child safety seat or booster seat unless they are 80 pounds or 4'9" tall.
- Children 8 and over or weighing at least 80 pounds or at least 4'9" tall are required to be secured by a safety belt or booster seat appropiate for that child
The fine for violating Missouri's child safety law is $50 plus court costs. Child safety seat requirements do not apply to children who are being transported in a school bus or public carrier for hire. Always check the owner's manual for proper use of your child safety seat or booster seat If you have questions about Missouri's child safety restraint laws or wish to schedule a checkup to ensure your car seat is installed correctly, contact Kendall Shrum or Dawn Sevier at 573-883-7000