When Calling 911
Please be ready to give the 911 operator the following information:
Your Name
Address or location of emergency
Your phone number (in case we need to call back for additional information)
A description of the emergency
- Vehicle Crash (how many vehicles?)
- Chest Pains
- Fall
- Other Medical Emergency (explain)
- Other Traumatic Injury (explain)
- Number of Patients
- Current Status of the Patient (are they conscious or breathing?)
- Color of House
- Building/Businesses Around You
- Other Landmarks
What To Do Before the Ambulance Arrives:
- Stay Calm
- Keep the Patient Calm
- Turn on the Porch Light
- Unlock the Front Door
- Gather Patient's Medications
- Put Away Pets
- List the Patient's Basic Medical History
- Call 911 if Patient's Condition Changes
- DO NOT Give the Patient Anything to Eat or Drink