Questions You May Have:
- Why is my bill coming from Texas?
In 2007, we became automated with computers on the ambulances to record all the medical as well as the billing information of your call. As part of this transaction, we contracted with a company called Intermedix to provide this automation. The agreement to obtain the hardware and software that we felt was best for the District included that Intermedix handle our billing.You can speak to them directly at 1-888-987-7978. If you feel more comfortable coming by the District or calling locally, please do so at 573-883-7000.
- What are the business office hours?
The patient accounts office is open 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the week and closed on weekends and holidays. Patient accounts my be called at any time at 573-883-7000 to leave a voice mail message. To e-mail patient accounts with your billing question, click here
- How do you pay the balance of a bill?
You may pay your balance by cash, check, money order,or credit cards. You may mail your payment, or you can stop by the business office during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the week. You may also make a payment online at