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Ste. Genevieve County Ambulance District
P.O. Box 401
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670


Office Manager



Board of Directors

District residents elect the six-member Board of Directors. Each of the six members are elected to serve a three year term and the terms are staggered every year with two members. The Directors are responsilbe for the overall management of the district. The Board of Directors normally meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at House 1.
Ernie Weiler Nick Werner
Ernie Weiler
Sub-District 1
Serving Since 1995
Nick Werner
Sub-District 3
Vice Chairperson
Serving Since 2011
Don Kuehn Michael "Buck" Jokerst
Don Kuehn
Sub-District 6
Serving Since 2005
Michael "Buck" Jokerst
Sub-District 5
Serving Since 2005
Dennis Jokerst Mary Thompson
Dennis Jokerst
Sub-District 2
Serving Since 2005
Mary Thompson
Sub-District 4
Serving Since 2005